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    Local democracy


    The residents manage the operation and further development of the settlement themselves.

    A number of associations with general assemblies and resident elected board of directors manage the commonly owned property and operation hereof e.g. heat plant, waste water treatment plant, waste recycling station, old farm buildings, common houses etc. One association manages commonly owned property of all five dwelling groups, one manages the old farm buildings, and each of the five dwelling groups has separate associations managing their activities. A dwelling group usually hold meetings every month. At an advisory common meeting held about every second month and open to all residents issues of general interest are discussed.


    The technical operation is managed in a number of working groups e.g. snow clearing and road maintenance, maintenance of drains and waste water treatment, operation of the heat plant. Apart from technical working groups we also have working groups directed to social activities e.g. arrangement of parties, social activities in relation to certain national holidays. Each of the working groups manages their own budget assigned at the general assembly. All residents are expected to take part in at least one working group.